Monday, July 12, 2010

De Morgan Facilitates Ultimate Win

RESOLVE Senior Mediator Paul De Morgan and his Ultimate Frisbee team “Troubled Past” ran an undefeated path to become the World Ultimate Club Champions, 2010 Masters Division. We were with Paul in Prague (site of the tournament) in spirit and online (via live streaming) for the Championship Game as he threw 1 goal and helped facilitate the offensive side of the team. Throughout the week-long event (10 games) he racked up a total of 15 points between goals caught and thrown.

Where you can find Paul next you ask… at home recuperating (just for the weekend, don’t worry…) with his new baby girl Naomi born on June 3!

Speaking of babies… did we mention Facilitator Dana Goodson is also a newly proud mother of her daughter Mariah born on May 26?

Just wanted to keep you all in the loop about the wonderful and exciting summer the RESOLVE family has embarked upon. Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

Jason Gershowitz said...

Awesome, that is one ULTIMATE victory!!! Also congratulations to all the happy RESOLVE parents!